Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
136 lines
' This is an idea I stole from CorelDraw. The spin button
' starts slow, then speeds up. (You can set the speeds by
' changing constants, below.)
' It also has an alternate mode:
' pushing the middle segment of the button then dragging
' the mouse up or down is like an invisible thumbwheel on
' a scroll bar.
' Right clicks spin by tens instead of by ones. This can be
' changed to other values if you wish (see constants below)
' To create an enhanced spin button, you need to load
' FrmESpin at startup (Sub Main or Form_Load). Then just
' place an image control on your form, size it and give it a
' border, set the picture property to SPINP0.BMP, and put
' subroutine calls in its MouseDown, MouseUp, and MouseMove
' events. Not quite as easy as a VBX, but not bad.
Option Explicit
Global SpinDir As Integer 'mag and direction of spin jump
Global SpinDest As Control 'the e.g. textbox to spin
Global SpinBut As Image 'the image control used as spin button
Global MousePos As Integer 'where the last mousemove was on SpinBut
Global OldMousePos As Integer 'the previous one
Global TwipsY As Integer 'holds TwipsY
Global TimerCount As Integer 'for changing speed
Global Jump As Integer
Global Const INITDELAY = 150 'start slow
Global Const OTHDELAY = 20 'speed up
Global Const CHANGEDELAY = 7 'after seven slow ones
Global Const LEFTSPIN = 1 'jump 1 for left mouse
Global Const RIGHTSPIN = 10 'jump by 10 for right mouse
Sub JDMouseDown (Button As Integer, Y As Single, Img As Image, Txt As Control)
Dim hgt As Integer
' jump 1 for left, 10 for right button pressed (see constants)
If Button = 1 Then
ElseIf Button = 2 Then
End If
' set timer interval to slow
FrmESpin.Timer1.Interval = INITDELAY
' set the picture to make it look pressed
hgt = Img.Height
If Y < hgt / 3 Then
' pressed up button
Img.Picture = FrmESpin.Image2(1).Picture
SpinDir = Jump 'spin up
ElseIf Y > hgt * 2 / 3 Then
' pressed down button
Img.Picture = FrmESpin.Image2(3).Picture
SpinDir = -1 * Jump 'spin down
' using invisible thumbwheel
Img.Picture = FrmESpin.Image2(2).Picture
SpinDir = 0 'spin with the mouse
MousePos = Y / TwipsY
OldMousePos = MousePos 'mouse hasn't moved since the button was pressed
FrmESpin.Timer1.Interval = 25 'a good value for mousemoves
End If
' set globals, so routines know who's spinning who
Set SpinDest = Txt
Set SpinBut = Img
' spin the e.g. textbox
SpinIt '1st spin
TimerCount = 0
FrmESpin.Timer1.Enabled = True 'subsequent spins
End Sub
Sub JDMouseMove (Y As Single, Img As Image, Button As Integer)
Dim hgt As Integer
' bail if a mouse button is down
If Button Then
' just store the mouse position
OldMousePos = MousePos
MousePos = Y / TwipsY
Exit Sub
End If
' change the mousepointer if on center button
hgt = Img.Height
If Y < hgt / 3 Then
Img.MousePointer = 0
ElseIf Y > hgt * 2 / 3 Then
Img.MousePointer = 0
Img.MousePointer = 7
End If
End Sub
Sub JDMouseUp ()
' stop spinning
FrmESpin.Timer1.Enabled = False
If SpinBut Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' set button back to unpressed picture
SpinBut.Picture = FrmESpin.Image2(0).Picture
' set back to ready to do another
Set SpinDest = Nothing
Set SpinBut = Nothing
MousePos = 0
OldMousePos = 0
TimerCount = 0
FrmESpin.Timer1.Interval = INITDELAY
End Sub
Sub SpinIt ()
Dim tmp As Single
' get the current value of the e.g. textbox
tmp = Val(SpinDest)
If SpinDir Then
' spin up or down
tmp = tmp + SpinDir '+1 or -1 or etc.
SpinDest = Trim$(Str$(tmp))
' spin with the mouse
tmp = tmp + (OldMousePos - MousePos) * Jump
SpinDest = Trim$(Str$(tmp))
OldMousePos = MousePos
End If
' increment count
TimerCount = TimerCount + 1
' speed up if it's time to
If TimerCount > CHANGEDELAY Then FrmESpin.Timer1.Interval = OTHDELAY
End Sub